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Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Audit Committee The Board of Directors of Yankuang🔯 Energy Group Co., Ltd. has set up the Audit Committee composed of three independent Directors: Woo Kar Tung, Raymond, Zhu Limin and Zhu Rui. Mr. Woo ✤Kar Tung, Raymond serves as the Director of the Committee.  

The Audit Committee is responsible to the Company's Board of Directors, and the Company's Audit Risk Department is the work body of the Committee. 

According to domestic and overseas listing regulations, the main responsibilities of the Committee are:

 1. Review the work of external auditors, and propose the appointment, re-appointment or dismissal of external auditors;2. Supervise the Company's internal audit system and its implementation;3. Take charge of communication between internal audit and external audit;4. Review the Company's financial statements and disclosures;5. Review the Company's internal control system and risk management system;6. Other responsibilities stipulated by the Board.

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