
Company News

The only energy enterprise in China that has been listed on four major listing platforms in both China and beyond

  • Number23 Ranked as the 23rd among the World’s Top 50 Mining Companies
  • Number93 Listed as the 93rd among 2022 Fortune China Top 500 Companies
  • Number1 No.1 in China in the Emerging Market Rating of Dow Jones Sustainable Development Index
  • Number1 No.1 among the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Rating of coal industry
Founded in 1997, Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited (“Yankuang Energy” or “The Company”) takes mining, high-end chemicals and new materials, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, and intelligent logistics as pillar industries. It is the only mega-sized energy enterprise in China that enjoys four major listing platforms in China and beyond (Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Australia).In 2021, the Company produced 105million tons of salable coal and 5.79 million tons of chemicals. More
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